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[100% Off] The Absolute Beginners Guide to Data Science| Worth 49,99$


Build your mathematics and statistics foundations strongly and ensure your Data science fundamentals are in place!

What you'll learn

  • You will gain a firm foothold of the fundamentals of Data Science. The course provides the entire toolbox you need to become a data scientist.
  • You will understand the mathematics and statistics behind Machine Learning
  • You will understanding the Octagonal Technical Facets of Data Science
  • You will start coding in Python and learn how to use it for statistical analysis
  • You will improve Machine Learning algorithms by studying underfitting, overfitting, training, validation, n-fold cross validation, testing, and how hyperparameters could improve performance
  • You will unfold the power of deep neural networks
  • You will carry out cluster and factor analysis
  • You will learn how to pre-process data
  • Impress interviewers by showing an understanding of the data science field
  • Apply your skills to real-life business cases
  • Learn the degrees of freedom, mathematical operations
  • Learn the art of Data Visualization
  • Learn Histogram, Boxplot, Scatter Plot, Co-variance and Correlation
  • Write programs in R

This course includes:

  • 42.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of completion

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