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[100% Off] Python Programming with Data Science| Worth 19,99$


Learn the most popular programming language in 2020: Python!

What you'll learn

  • You will first learn how to Install Anaconda and Jupyter on your desktop/laptop
  • You will understand and learn the basics of For Loops and Advanced For Loops
  • You will have clarity on Python generators and will master the flow of your code using "If Else"
  • You will understand Why foundations Modify Lists and Dictionaries and Functions
  • Learn how to analyze, retrieve and clean data with Python
  • Get introduced to Using API's
  • Learn Concatenation (Combining Tables) with Python and Pandas and Manipulating Time and Date Data with Python Datetime
  • Data Cleaning and Preparation for Machine Learning
  • You will learn to Use Pandas with Large Data Sets, Time Series Analysis and Effective Data Visualization in Python

This course includes:

  • 16.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of completion

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